Virtual Tour DoubleTree by Hilton Lagoa Azores Project


360 shooting at DoubleTree by Hilton Lagoa, Azores

This virtual tour project at the DoubleTree by Hilton Lagoa, Azores, was initiated by the Director, who previously had successful experiences with virtual tours at her former establishment.
There was no need to convince anyone of the benefits of a virtual tour, but it was crucial to address the specific needs of this new Hilton hotel by adhering to the brand’s guidelines.

During the pre-opening phase, not all work was completed, posing challenges for 360° shoots as unfinished areas couldn’t be hidden. The shooting schedule was meticulously planned day by day to optimize the use of available spaces and take advantage of the weather conditions, which were cloudy at the beginning of the week. We had to wait for clear skies and redo several shots to capture the best possible 360° images.

We began with the stunning Frondoso Restaurant, which was available. Two perspectives were chosen: one from the center of the room to showcase the dinner setting and another from the side to highlight the breakfast layout.



The following days were dedicated to capturing the various room categories and the stunning terrace with a pool. I used a drone to find the best possible angles and gradually determined the perfect spot for the hotel’s Hero Shot at sunset.



The Foyer was finally ready, but only the Verde 2 conference room was available for the shoot, as the other space was not accessible. We decided to showcase two configurations, Boardroom and Theatre, to illustrate the available options.


Drone Shooting Outdoors:

Our team had the opportunity to capture the island’s tourist attractions. I performed 360° aerial shots of iconic sites like “Grota da Inferno” and “vista do rei.”


These aerial views were meant to share my passion for virtual tours created with drones. The visuals highlight the tourist sites and allow hoteliers to showcase their promotional activities. By incorporating 360° drone visuals and tourist images into my projects, I aim to spotlight nearby activities and enhance all the travel attractions.

A key question was how to host the virtual tour. It was decided that I would manage the virtual tour site on an annual basis. I rented a custom domain and integrated the virtual tour onto a dedicated server, combined with analytics tools to track its visibility.


Here is the final project:

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Une interview audio sur mon parcours, en débutant par une carrière artistique pour finir en qualité de photographe spécialiste des visites virtuelles 2.0 pour les hôtels de luxe.
Merci à Bérangère Lou et à toute l’équipe de RCF Lyon pour cette opportunité.


“Jean-Charles Garrivet, photographe professionnel et agréé Google, a partagé son parcours entrepreneurial sur RCF Lyon. Dans cette interview, Jean-Charles raconte comment, après dix ans de carrière comme jongleur professionnel en Italie, il est revenu à Lyon pour se consacrer à la photographie.
Il se spécialise dans les visites virtuelles pour des hôtels de luxe et les commerces, ainsi que dans les reportages d’événements et les photos pour entreprises et particuliers.

Il évoque les défis et les satisfactions de son métier, notamment l’importance de rester adaptable et d’évoluer avec les nouvelles technologies, comme la photographie 360° et les visites virtuelles. Jean-Charles souligne également l’importance de la passion et de la persévérance dans son parcours professionnel​”


Interview complet : Suivre ce lien


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This project truly made me realize the importance of virtual tours for heritage preservation.

The implementation of this virtual tour, the first of its kind in France, in Lyon, marks a significant step towards a more accessible and transparent justice system. The feedback we have received so far has been extremely positive, highlighting the usefulness and interest in this initiative.

Here are the benefits brought by this initiative:

  1. Harmonization and Consistency: The creation of the virtual tour for the Lyon Court of Appeal allows for a uniform and consistent presentation of information, in line with the standards of the Ministry of Justice. This reinforces the image of the French justice system as a modern and accessible institution.
  2. Quality and Personalization: The Lyon Court of Appeal benefits from a personalized presentation that highlights its specific features and history while maintaining a high and homogeneous level of quality.
  3. Increased Accessibility: This tour is a valuable tool for people with reduced mobility, law students, and anyone curious about better understanding the workings of our judicial system.
  4. Modernization of Judicial Image: The digitalization of the tour of judicial institutions demonstrates a willingness to adapt to new technologies and meet the expectations of citizens, thus improving public perception of the justice system.


This project originated from a demonstration I had conducted for the Court of Appeal, which was initially intended for the Lyon City Hall. Although the City Hall did not express interest at that time, I decided to propose this project to the Court of Appeal. Their reaction was immediate and enthusiastic, leading to a meeting with the First President, Madame Catherine Pautrat.

During this meeting, it became clear that we shared a common vision: to develop a modern, informative, and high-quality product to enhance the image of Justice. I sincerely thank Madame Pautrat for her open-mindedness and modern vision, which were crucial for the realization of this project.

Capturing the Virtual Tour of the Lyon Court of Appeal:

As a Lyon resident, I had the opportunity to photograph the Court of Appeal when the rooms were available. The photography sessions took place from December 2023 to January 2024. To photograph the Salle des Pas Perdus, it was necessary to start very early in the morning and coordinate with the security service to allow access before the court opened.

The logistics involved careful management of the availability of different rooms, each with its own access schedule. For example, the Salle des Assises, which was under renovation, was completed and available for photography in early January 2024.

This organization allowed for the capture of high-quality images, showcasing the architecture and history of each room, thus contributing to the creation of a detailed and immersive virtual tour for the Lyon Court of Appeal.

Development and Customization of the Virtual Tour of the Lyon Court of Appeal

For this project, I proposed creating an interface similar to that of the Ministry of Justice website, adding extensive information in collaboration with the marketing team. Subsequently, the idea of making this virtual tour accessible to English speakers emerged, leading me to develop an English version.

During a meeting and demonstration with the IT department of the Ministry of Justice from Paris, we discussed in detail the interface, user experience (UX), selection of text and multimedia content to integrate, and the marketing plan. Special attention was given to the content I develop for LinkedIn and Instagram.

A key question was the hosting of the virtual tour. It was decided that I would manage the virtual tour site annually. Therefore, I rented a custom domain name and hosted the virtual tour on a dedicated server, combined with analytics tools to track the visibility of the virtual tour.

Final Project:



Get in touch with us today, and allow us to demonstrate how we can assist you in highlighting the distinctive features and stunning views of your facilities.

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As a photographer specializing in luxury hospitality and heritage, I’d like to outline my work process and the time required to create a high-end, personalized virtual tour. I won’t delve into the communication, follow-up, and negotiation emails preceding contract acquisition.


It’s not just about finding the right angle for a good photo; it’s about capturing every direction. Often, I adjust objects slightly away from the center, arranging everything around them for a complete 360-degree view. For instance, if I’m in a room and can see the bathroom, it should be positioned to showcase maximum detail too. This includes ensuring that the sheets and curtains fall perfectly and aligning chairs and tables.

For a panorama, using a panoramic head, I take 8 photos at different brightness levels (interior and exterior).
Sometimes, multiple shots are necessary to avoid distracting reflections on windows.

One panorama typically takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the complexity of the room and adjacent areas visible in the panorama. For 40 panoramas, this represents a minimum of 20 hours’ work, so it’s best to start as soon as possible.


To create high-quality, diverse, and authentic content, the photographer must somewhat experience the client’s perspective to translate it accurately. This involves not only time for shooting but also capturing different times of day and night. When the hotel is occupied, client satisfaction is paramount, so it’s not uncommon to shoot during the night or early morning to avoid disturbances.

Missions usually span 4 to 6 days, depending on the number of virtual tours required. (count 10 panoramas by day)


Typically, after shoots, I back up the data in the evening. If time allows, I start pre-post-processing and image alignment: Each panorama face is scrutinized to address lighting issues, and for significant discrepancies (e.g., backlighting), specific Photoshop masking is required. Once the 4 images are perfect, I proceed with stitching. The final step involves extracting the spherical panorama, removing the tripod, and working on the photo independently in Photoshop.

Time for one panorama ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the complexity of the shots.


Upon returning home, I finalize all stitching and work on each image individually: Cleaning, balancing highlights and shadows, masking TV screens, etc.

This process for one panorama takes 1 to 4 hours, depending on panorama complexities.


Drawing inspiration from the hotel’s brand, I create a skin tailored to the client. This involves menu creation, functionality development, and link integration. Additionally, a separate smartphone-friendly menu (vertical-UX friendly) is created. I thoroughly test the site, optimize all images, and ensure the virtual tour’s weight is manageable.

This phase typically takes 10 hours.


Designing images for Facebook, creating personalized videos for LinkedIn and Instagram, developing a personalized guide for using the virtual tour.

Total time: 10 hours.


I created this page to explain thoroughly the importance of the work behind a virtual tour and to remind that the benefits of using them are only better for the hotel’s brand image.

I strive to be competitive and I choose to position myself with an offer that is qualitative and tailored to the clients’ needs. I want to emphasize that the success of a mission also relies on strong relationships with the hotel teams, which is also an essential part of the photographer’s profession.

Finally, I propose a follow-up over time to support the Marketing team in maximizing the benefits of their product.

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Beyond Taste – Oltre Il Gusto Magazine – Edizione Primavera 2024.

 Margaux:   Can you tell the readers a little more about “Virtual Tours Photography” ?

Creating a virtual tour for a hotel involves capturing and presenting a comprehensive, immersive experience of the hotel’s interior and amenities through digital means. This can be achieved using specialized photography equipment and software to stitch together panoramic images or through the use of 360-degree cameras. The virtual tour allows potential guests to explore different areas of the hotel virtually, including rooms, lobbies, restaurants, and other facilities.

The benefits of a virtual tour for a hotel include providing potential guests with a realistic preview of the accommodations and amenities, helping them make more informed decisions when booking. It enhances the online presence of the hotel and can serve as a powerful marketing tool, especially in an era where many travelers rely on the internet to research and plan their trips.

To create an effective virtual tour for a hotel, it’s essential to focus on high-quality visuals, user-friendly navigation, and incorporating interactive elements. This immersive experience can significantly contribute to attracting and engaging potential guests, ultimately boosting reservations and customer satisfaction. Virtual tours facilitate a thorough exploration of a space, granting potential clients, customers, or visitors a detailed perspective.

Margaux:   What or who were the catalysts to inspire you to become a professional photographer?

The factors that motivated my venture into the realm of professional photography stemmed from a blend of influences and personal encounters. To begin with, my engagement with the vivid visual realm during my artistic pursuits as a juggler instilled in me an appreciation for capturing moments in a distinctive manner.

Furthermore, interactions with skilled photographers, their portfolios, and the narratives conveyed through their images played a crucial role in shaping my perspective. These individuals, coupled with my own exploration of creative photography, intensified my enthusiasm for the art form.

The prospect of standing out in a competitive field and the chance to tell stories through my lens emerged as the driving force behind my decision to embark on a career as a professional photographer.

Margaux:  What do you look for when embarking on a virtual photography project?  What are the key elements that catch your attention?

In the current landscape, hotels face the imperative to distinguish themselves from the competition. My focus lies in collaborating with luxury hotels that share common values, such as a profound appreciation for detail, aesthetics, exceptional service, and an unwavering commitment to enhancing the overall customer experience.

Hotels are increasingly demanding virtual tours, and that’s why I’ve chosen to specialise in this area.  The transformative power of virtual tours becomes evident once experienced.

Looking to the future, I imagine that every hotel will embrace the concept of the virtual tour, aiding their digital transition. The transformative power of virtual tours becomes clear once you’ve experienced them for yourself.

Upon receiving a request, my initial step involves soliciting a shoot list for the locations earmarked for photography and a date. With accumulated expertise, I can precisely determine the number of panoramas required for a comprehensive hotel project. The goal is not merely to produce numerous panoramas, but to strategically capture them in key locations, ensuring they convey ample information and evoke a sense of enchantment. This often involves timing, such as waiting for the sunset in specific rooms.

Additionally, effective communication with IT teams is crucial for seamless virtual tour hosting. I go a step further by proposing a customized interface aligned with the hotel’s website and brand, ensuring a cohesive and immersive experience for maximum impact.

Margaux:  What do you find most successful when implementing a marketing plan for future guests that shall lead to bookings of major luxury hotels?

In crafting a successful marketing strategy, I firmly believe in the pivotal role of compelling visuals, particularly virtual tours and still photography, alongside other essential communication materials. The seamless integration and consistency of these elements are paramount to presenting a unified and engaging narrative for potential guests.

Regrettably, the industry has witnessed instances where high-quality photographs coexist with subpar virtual tours, sowing seeds of doubt among prospective guests. The challenge lies in discerning the authenticity of the experience presented. It prompts a critical question: What can one truly believe when faced with such disparities?

The contemporary consumer trend reveals a growing reliance on virtual visits to hotels, a digital exploration that offers a tangible preview of the forthcoming guest experience. This shift represents a reassuring trend as customers seek to familiarize themselves with the ambiance and offerings before committing to a reservation.

The virtual tours I curate are designed for widespread dissemination, being shareable across prominent platforms like Facebook, Google, and even Additionally, I tailor specific promotional materials for platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, ensuring adaptability and resonance across diverse audiences. This curated content serves as the foundation for crafting a truly effective, original, and interactive marketing campaign.

One noteworthy observation is that the duration a customer spends immersed in a virtual tour correlate positively with the likelihood of conversion—convincing them to make a reservation. This underscores the importance of creating captivating content that not only attracts but also sustains the audience’s engagement, fostering a connection that transcends a mere visual encounter.

To further empower clients, I’ve implemented a system enabling them to host their own site. This grants them direct access to valuable statistics, offering insights into user behaviour and interaction with the virtual tour. Such transparency enhances the client experience, aligning the marketing strategy with a client-centric ethos.

Margaux:  Now, to move on, let us talk about where were you born and raised and what were the circumstances which motivated your relocation to Lyon, France ?

I spent my formative years in France, where I developed an early fascination with roller skating, followed by an interest in skateboarding and eventually snowboarding. While pursuing a management IT degree at the BTS level, I discovered my passion for juggling, prompting me to enroll in circus school with the goal of embarking on an artistic career.

For a significant part of my life, I worked as a juggler in Italy, concurrently shouldering responsibilities for my family, with a special focus on caring for my son. At the age of 35, I made the decision to return to France and transition into an independent photography career.

To distinguish myself, I immediately delved into creating imaginative photographs, expanding my interest to include planets then virtual tours. It was during this period that I crossed paths with my partner, Pascal Reynaud, which led me to refocus and specialize in the realm of international luxury hotels.

Margaux:  Tell us about your personal  travel plans for 2024 ..

In 2024, my ongoing project with the Lyon Court of Appeal persists, providing an avenue to explore heritage, aligning seamlessly with the values inherent in the hotel industry.

My intention is to expand this initiative to encompass other courts of appeal throughout France. Simultaneously, within the French hotel sector, I persist in disseminating information and advancing my activities, with a concerted effort to raise awareness of marketing strategies. Additionally, I am actively extending my reach internationally, collaborating with prominent brands like Hilton, Marriott, and various independent establishments.

On the artistic front, I am on the verge of initiating a project to create planet in Nice, adding another dimension to my creative pursuits.

Margaux:  Besides your love of photography and virtual photography, what do you do in your spare time that is non-related ?

The majority of my time is dedicated to work—whether it’s acquiring new clients, generating content, or building my brand. It’s not a passion, but rather a necessity.

To offset this, I’ve incorporated daily walks to a spacious park where I can immerse myself in the beauty of nature. Additionally, I opt for walking during all my city travels and professional when it’s possible.

I’m consistently on the lookout for information related to VR technology and anything original and creative, both within my field and across various sectors. My moments of respite involve engaging in networking events with fellow professionals, a common occurrence in the city.

On the other hand, I am working on an artistic series titled “Little Big World,” featuring miniature “planets” from various countries around the globe. Starting from renowned landmarks in Lyon to the Opera House in Sydney, this project has been both creatively fulfilling and motivating. Additionally, it has contributed to enhancing my visibility in the hotel industry, leading me to offer distinctive art pieces tailored for hotels.

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During my second visit to Cyprus to carry out complementary virtual tours of the Cap St Georges Hotel & Resort project, I was commissioned to create a virtual tour encompassing the entire area, consisting of 20 aerial viewpoints. The aim of the assignment was to create a product that would comprehensively showcase all the properties in the complex, and provide an overall view of the project, which was being developed by Korantina Home.



To ensure optimum consistency between the different panoramas, I decided to work mainly between 11am and 3pm, when the sun was at its zenith. Fortunately, my collaborator was on hand to assist me and create shade so that I could view my screen properly.



Our driver, Tsopozidis Georgios, who has become a friend over the years, proved invaluable for his in-depth knowledge of the area. His sound advice greatly facilitated our mission, enhancing the quality and relevance of the virtual tour we were able to create.



Here is the final project:


Get in touch with us today, and allow us to demonstrate how we can assist you in highlighting the distinctive features and stunning views of your facilities.


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During my assignment to create the virtual tour for the new Oakwood Premier Phnom Penh hotel, I was also asked to design the virtual tour for One Park Apartments & Residences. This included virtual tours of the lobby, four different apartment types, and service areas such as the restaurant and lounge.

As part of the virtual tour of the lobby, I used the giant screen to broadcast a video presenting the One Park group. In addition, I integrated an image into the interactive display, giving virtual visitors a glimpse of the services available during their exploration.



For the overall view, I opted for an aerial virtual tour to highlight all the buildings, as well as the swimming pool and restaurant. The main difficulty lay in the presence of fairly strong winds, complicating the assembly of images with buildings relatively close to the lens. Fortunately, my Photoshop skills were able to resolve the artifacts. By adopting a creative approach, I realized that this could also represent a fascinating planet featuring all the buildings and services.



In conclusion, I designed the virtual tours of the showrooms, meticulously prepared by the teams. The objective was to present the maximum amount of information while limiting the number of panoramas: I had to show an apartment in a maximum of two panoramas.



The photographic capture of other departments such as the Restaurant and Lounge presented challenges due to the refurbishment work being carried out on the windows. By using appropriate techniques, it was possible to avoid most of these obstacles, leaving the rest to be dealt with in the post-processing phase.


Here is the final project :


Get in touch with us today, and allow us to demonstrate how we can assist you in highlighting the distinctive features and stunning views of your facilities.


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Upon our arrival in Phnom Penh, we were surprised to discover that our luggage was not available at the airport. Over the next two days, we had to adapt and make the most of the situation by delving into the project discussions with the teams, all while seizing the opportunity for some impromptu clothing shopping. Personally, in the absence of my equipment, I took advantage of the time to embark on an early morning stroll to Wat Phom temple. This initial exploration has sparked my interest, and I plan to delve deeper into it later in the week through a dedicated photo session.

Once our luggage finally arrived, it was time to immerse ourselves in work. The agenda encompassed various aspects, including room categories, reception, restaurant, and amenities like lounges, culminating in a focus on conference rooms.

In terms of preparation, it was often necessary to repatriate items quickly between shoots, as the pre-opening hotel did not yet have the required equipment, having to collect it from the group’s other nearby hotel.

As far as the rooms were concerned, not all the windows available for the shots offered the best view. The exteriors of rooms of the same category and angle ha d to be captured for inclusion in the virtual tours. A professional working internationally needs to have the right skills, as he can’t come back at a later date to take the shots.

The lobby was a major challenge, with fans spinning and customers walking through the space. I particularly appreciated the professionalism of the teams I had the pleasure of integrating into the virtual tours.

As for the Senses restaurant, we had to wait until nightfall and juggle with tablecloths and napkins. The fact that I took four photos for one tour enabled me to move the equipment between each shot, ensuring that all the tables were occupied by the end of the visit.

Finally, the Grand Ballroom was prepared by the teams. A tricky choice of color for the photo, however, as it changed automatically every five seconds. So I had to wait until the desired color was present from every angle.



We fostered positive connections with the teams, and it was delightful to observe that certain team members were fluent in French.
The act of sharing and exploring individuals from diverse cultures consistently brings us joy.



Prior to my departure, I experienced the ambiance of Wat Phnom Temple one evening and titled it “It’s a matter of time.” Cambodia captivated me, and in the city of Phnom Penh, I found a genuine sense of contentment. Despite cultural variances and differences in living standards, I firmly believe it’s an exceptionally pleasant city for residence. However, for now, it’s simply a farewell.



Here is the final Project :


Get in touch with us today, and allow us to demonstrate how we can assist you in highlighting the distinctive features and stunning views of your facilities.


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The extensive Hotel & Resort undertaking underwent two separate stages. In the pre-launch phase, our attention was directed towards the hotel and its adjacent services. The owner, from the beginning, possessed a well-defined vision with a special emphasis on enhancing the customer experience. Without hesitation, I adapted my methods, previously oriented towards high-end architecture, by incorporating models into virtual tours to foster interaction and connection. Beyond showcasing the magnificence of the location, these virtual tours were crafted to submerge visitors and allow them to thoroughly engage with the accompanying emotions.

First phase:


Explore this captivating destination and its iconic sunsets. The itinerary includes organized excursions throughout the resort for guest activities. I employed creativity in capturing 360-degree images, incorporating models to imbue them with significance. We ventured into the awe-inspiring surroundings, whether culturally rich or natural, surrounding the resort, from archaeological sites to zoo to rocky beaches. A distinctive opportunity presented itself when we filmed a report with a fisherman at dawn—an unforgettable experience despite our attire geared towards hotel work.



Collaborating with the team proved to be an exceptionally delightful experience. The combination of their amiability and professionalism played a significant role in achieving the comprehensive visualization of the necessary elements, placing particular emphasis on capturing various spaces, notably the bedrooms.



Second phase:

Adapting our schedule to accommodate the bustling influx of guests at the hotel was a necessity. Currently, all the restaurants are operational, and a refreshed ambiance has been crafted through decor renovations. My responsibility involves capturing these transformations through photographs for integration into the existing virtual tours. Occasionally, new panoramas are essential to showcase the noteworthy alterations.

The assistance provided by my colleague has proven especially valuable, facilitating more efficient collaboration between us. I am increasingly recognizing the advantages of working in tandem, a method that significantly enhances the quality of shots and optimizes the time spent capturing images. This experience reinforces my belief in the added value of collaborative efforts to achieve heightened levels of quality and efficiency in our photographic endeavors.



In this second session, our primary goal was to spotlight several crucial aspects of the establishment. Special emphasis was placed on showcasing the lobby, conference rooms, pools, and two specific villas. However, our primary focus centered on the Presidential Suite, deemed the true jewel in the crown.

The creation of this collection of visuals and interactive content demanded extensive teamwork, characterized by a close partnership between photography and virtual tour design. My partner and I pooled our respective skills to craft an immersive and captivating visual experience. Precise coordination between capturing static images and developing a dynamic virtual tour was vital to provide viewers with a thorough and detailed exploration of these prestigious spaces.

This collaborative approach underscores our dedication to quality and excellence, demonstrating how the synergy between photography and virtual tour technology can yield a comprehensive and aesthetically rich representation of the facility’s installations.



The assistance provided by the hotel teams played a pivotal role, encompassing tasks ranging from arranging decor to coordinating activities in various spaces like the lobby, conference rooms, pools, villas, and the Presidential Suite. Their profound familiarity with the venues and dedicated commitment to achieving accurate representation significantly facilitated our work.

In essence, this experience emphasized the significance of collaboration and coordination, showcasing how the combined efforts led to a successful and immersive presentation of each venue. This presentation reflects the inherent quality and professionalism of the establishment.



Apart from the strictly professional aspect, this encounter has served as fertile soil where genuine friendships have flourished with specific team members. This realization strengthens my belief that the farewells at present are merely temporary, and that future opportunities for collaboration and mutual sharing will emerge.



Here is the final project :


Get in touch with us today, and allow us to demonstrate how we can assist you in highlighting the distinctive features and stunning views of your facilities.


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Upon our arrival at the hotel, we received a warm reception accompanied by a tasting of local cocktails. Following a restful night’s sleep and overcoming jet lag, we embarked on our exploration with Ishita, the resident Communications Manager.

For the virtual tour of the Lobby, we chose the evening, when the light reflections on the floor were less intense and the overall view more harmonious.

Next, the various conference rooms were fitted out, and Angela Piu Piu, the bar manager, devoted herself to the layout of “The Living Room“. This room was unique in that it could be divided into two separate areas, optimizing overall visualization thanks to a 360-degree image.

In the case of the Premium Suite, it was necessary to wait for the sun to set in order to shoot at the ideal moment, creating captivating images that encouraged guests to stay in their rooms to admire the scenery.

As we neared the end of our stay, the restaurant’s private Tuscan Room required considerable effort when shooting. Indeed, the reflections on the glass doors were so strong that they impeded visibility of the interior. A compromise between reflection and transparency had to be found during post-processing.



To sum up, photographing the renowned and expansive Smoked Vine Restaurant presented difficulties owing to numerous preparations, compounded by the limited time window before the arrival of customers.



Our most recent task led us to capture images at Nashik Vineyard, situated along the Bombay highway. This enchanting endeavor sought to immortalize the beauty and distinctive atmosphere of this celebrated winery nestled in the picturesque Nashik region, along the road to Bombay.



Our professional assignment concludes at this juncture, yet it’s worth mentioning that we seized the chance to explore Mumbai for a few days. This was a particularly memorable experience for me, but the intricacies of that adventure are a tale for another time.

Here is the Final Project :


Get in touch with us today, and allow us to demonstrate how we can assist you in highlighting the distinctive features and stunning views of your facilities.


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